Learn how Bryant Brown’s team of professional healthcare marketers create content-rich websites that are user-friendly and loved by Google.
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Full service. All the time.

Website Development

User-friendly and optimized for search results

Website development is one of our key specialties. We plan, write, design, program, and optimize websites that are easy to navigate on your desktop, tablet, or phone, and loved by Google.

  • Ultromics

    New name, new look

  • Rapid Micro Biosystems

    Powerful branding for a towering achievement

  • InHealth Technologies

    Successfully launching their second generation of a leader

Planning, writing, designing, programming, optimizing

In the planning stage, we work closely with you to:


•  Define your positioning and key messages

•  Optimize the user experience

•  Optimize the sales cycle to get our prospects further down the funnel

•  Review website design best practices

•  Identify primary goals and define the strategy for your website

•  Map the key personas by creating profiles of each of your key customers, including their specific wants and needs


Once the planning stage is done, then comes the creation of the website. This is done in phases:


•  Creation of the sitemap

•  Creation of wireframes

•  Writing the copy: this is a particular strength of Bryant Brown because we have only senior writers with extensive medical experience. Plus, we write SEO-rich copy

•  Designing the website

•  Programming the website


Once the website is done, we institute continuous improvement for the greatest return. We maximize ROI by setting goals, measuring results, and adjusting and improving where necessary. We do this on an ongoing basis to optimize results.


To promote the website, we develop strategically targeted campaigns in all media to meet your goals.


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