Learn how Bryant Brown’s team of professional healthcare marketers follow a proven strategic and tactical planning process to ensure the success of your brand.
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Full service. All the time.

Strategic & Tactical Planning

Healthcare marketing strategies that position your brand for success

Strategic planning

Bryant Brown is regarded as a premier healthcare marketing firm known for superb writing and design. All our creative work is strategic-driven, informed by our extensive experience, by a deep and broad understanding of healthcare marketing in general, and by research-based knowledge regarding your specific market, product, and situation.


We conduct extensive research to understand your market, your customers, and what moves both.


Many medical marketing clients engage us to prepare a comprehensive strategic marketing communications plan detailing:


•  Audience segmentation

•  Brand positioning

•  Customer journey mapping

•  Messaging tailored to each target audience


Building on the strategic foundation, we then create the campaign concept—the unique combination of wording and imagery—that will be the hallmark of your communications, unifying all tactics in all media to produce a cohesive campaign.


Tactical planning

The complement to a solid strategic plan and distinctive campaign concept is a well-conceived tactical plan.


Audience by audience, our tactical plans describe the healthcare communications that will convey your positioning to your target audiences as precisely and cost-effectively as possible to maximize performance on your KPIs.


We arrive at recommendations through research into communication opportunities and media channels: the websites, publications, associations, conferences, and other industry activities we can leverage on behalf of your brand.


Tactics in owned, earned, and paid media may include one, several, or all the following approaches:


•  Programmatic advertising

•  Websites and landing pages

•  Search engine marketing

•  Social media marketing

•  Email

•  Videos, TV spots, and radio spots

•  Out-of-home promotions

•  Experiential marketing

•  Print materials


For each tactic, our tactical plan includes a description of what the tactic is, when to implement it, how much it costs, and how it delivers ROI to your brand.

Want to learn more?