01 Nov Bryant Brown Healthcare honored as “Best Healthcare Marketing Agency in California” by Corporate Vision
Bryant Brown is also awarded “Best Multimedia Substance Abuse Campaign” with the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation.
Healthcare marketing agency Bryant Brown Healthcare has won the CV (Corporate Vision) Magazine 2016 Marketing, PR & Communications Award as “Best Healthcare Marketing Agency in California.”
CV (Corporate Vision) Magazine created the Marketing, PR & Communications Awards to honor agencies “committed to telling their and their clients’ stories to the world in the most imaginative and effective ways possible. The awards are designed to shine a light on those who maintain relationships, convey fresh ideas, and encourage businesses to bloom.”
Based entirely on merit, the awards spotlight organizations that are making a significant impact in their industry.
“Thank you for this honor,” states Sam Bryant, a founding partner of Bryant Brown Healthcare. “ We appreciate the recognition from CV Magazine and the opportunity to serve our clients worldwide from our base in California.”
The agency provides strategic planning, branding, copywriting, design, programming, production, and media services to pharmaceutical companies, medical technology manufacturers, hospitals, and advocacy organizations.
Also in CV Magazine’s Marketing, PR & Communications category, Bryant Brown and its client the Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation won honors for the “Best Multimedia Substance Abuse Campaign.” Together, agency and client created the award-winning “It Takes Guts to Come Here” addiction treatment marketing campaign that combines digital, print, broadcast, and outdoor promotions.